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How To Prepare Notes For JEE Main Exam 2023

How To Prepare Notes For JEE Main Exam 2023

How To Prepare Notes For JEE Main Exam 2023

If you're studying for the JEE but still haven't made taking notes a habit. Let us warn you that reading through the books and other resources for different subjects when your exam is only a few weeks away will be a waste of time. Instead of reading through hundreds of pages to review a single topic, you should focus on just reviewing the key ideas from your notes. This will save you time.

One of the most crucial components of a successful JEE preparation programme is taking notes. You might not recognise its significance at first, but you will undoubtedly do so in the last few months when you will have to revise truckloads of the syllabus or when you will need to search the entire book for a certain topic.

Whether you're preparing for the JEE entrance test or the CBSE boards, taking good notes will always be beneficial. Because writing things down causes your mind to instantly learn them, you will quickly be able to recall all the crucial ideas. As a result, if you need to review a certain topic, you can just pick up your notes and do so.

One of an IIT aspirant's most tangible academic phases can be the JEE Main preparation. It takes a lot of practice over many years to pass this test. JEE preparation can consume the majority of a student's academic years if it is started at the correct time. Students can choose from a variety of strategies and techniques to give their best effort right away.

Candidates who pass the JEE Main exam become eligible to take the JEE Advanced exam, which further opens the door to the prestigious IITs across the country. But passing JEE Main also gives applicants a chance to get into NITs or other prestigious state or central engineering schools.

What is the importance of preparing JEE Main notes?

Personal reference

Making notes as you go through JEE Main preparation is a good idea because you can always refer to them afterwards. The course material is extensive, but it can be completed in phases over the appropriate period of time. However, it might not be possible to review everything at the time of the revision. At this point, the notes are helpful because the candidates can quickly refer to any crucial information they require without having to quickly scan the entire syllabus.

Reliable learning tool

Candidates may obtain JEE Main study materials from their classmates, seniors, or online resources. The most effective learning tool kids can have is when they prepare it themselves. The fact that the candidates are familiar with the notes makes it simple for them to find any information.

Aids in active learning

One of the most efficient and active learning techniques available is writing. And one of the top JEE Main tips that one must take into account while preparing is combining it with taking notes.

Things to Keep in Mind When Making Notes

To assist you in your preparation for JEE and JEE Advanced, let's start with the fundamentals of note-taking.

Use vibrant pens.

Different colours are perceived differently by human senses and eyes. Because of this, "highlighting essential points" will help you remember information better. You can also use a colour scheme; for instance, you could use blue to highlight definitions, pink to highlight formulas, and red to indicate any exceptions or things to be cautious of.

Different Books Should be Used for Different Subjects

The biggest error that students make when taking notes is "recording all their notes," regardless of the subject, in one notebook. Please avoid making this error by maintaining good note organisation and taking notes for each subject in a separate notebook.

Making an index page is another common error that students make. Imagine having to search through all of your notes to find a particular chapter or topic. This is the reason why a chapter- and topic-specific index page should be created. It will be better to divide the reference books into chapters and topics in advance because you will be referring to several of them. In order to find the information you need while revising, be sure to properly prepare the index.

Don’t Always Repeat What is Already Mentioned in the Textbook

You must determine what is contained in your textbook in order to determine this. Read all of your textbooks carefully, then make a list of all the important ideas, perceptions, and explanations that came from your professor but weren't in the text. You can use the Exampraxis JEE Archive to quickly access all of the concepts in your textbook. where you can find explanations for all the key ideas, questions, and answers.

Make Notes in the Language that Suits you the Most

Students occasionally write down a few words while taking notes that they may comprehend at the time but will eventually forget. So, whether you're writing in Hindi, English, Hindi+English, or your native tongue, it's always a good idea to use your preferred language. You'll have a better understanding of things as a result.

Revise your Notes Regularly

Every two weeks, review your notes rather than just writing them down. You will be better able to memorise and comprehend information as a result, and you will retain it for a long time. During the final month before your exam, you won't be rushing through revision.

Use Different Colors while Preparing Chemistry Notes

Do you frequently have trouble understanding your chemical notes? Here's some wonderful advice from us. Make sure to write the names of several compounds using the same coloured pen or highlight them with the same colour when recording chemistry reactions in a notebook. You will remember the actual colour of compounds better if they are color-coded. You will benefit from this because the goal of qualitative analysis is to identify compounds based on their colors.

Make Memory Maps to Improve Concepts

One of the best note-taking methods is to create memory maps. Pictures are far easier for the human mind to recall than simple text. Making memory maps will eventually activate your picture memory, enabling you to recall information more quickly and for a longer period of time. Instead of making them too complex or colorful, make them short and simple enough to remember.

Useful Tips to Make Effective Notes

● Make headings, subheadings, and sub-subheadings for your notes. You will be better able to comprehend the notes and memorise them thanks to it.

● Large concepts cannot be written in notes; instead, list the page numbers of relevant books and chapter titles so that you can find them later.

● Making notes in a bound notebook is always preferable to doing so in an unbound one. Because it will prevent page loss.


We believe that using these tricks and tips will enable you to create the best notes possible. At Exam praxis, we work hard to give our students the best education possible with the assistance of the most highly regarded faculty in all of India. You can contact our experts if you need assistance, and they will be more than happy to assist you.

In order to lay the groundwork for their education, candidates for admission to any college must pass the JEE Main exam. As a result, the core of the journey is JEE Main preparation. Making notes is one of the most effective ways to study for this entrance exam. At Exam praxis we created lecture notes in our revise section that is precise and effective for exam preparation.